More nature

Here are some pictures from my walk yesterday…

(first a picture of my favorite tree in my backyard)

isn\'t it perfect

isn't it perfect?


graffiti by the creek

graffiti by the creek

Our state flag…and a dinosaur?



...and open

...and open

Then I kept coming across baby bunnies. This is the best picture I could get. See the little brown spot by the edge of the greenway?

baby bunny

baby bunny

anyone know what these flowers are?

anyone know what these flowers are?

And finally, this poor tree. Wonder what happened to it? Maybe a storm ripped off a branch? Maybe an owl is renovating?

I almost want to put a garden gnome in it

I almost want to put a garden gnome in it

2 Responses

  1. […] have already questioned this graffiti in an earlier post.  But here it is again, note the triceratops just below the state […]

  2. […] have an owl that lives in my favorite old tree in my backyard.  I usually hear him in the summer and fall.  But as I sit here, I hear the […]

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