46 Day Challenge 2011

Yes, that’s right.  My 46 Day Challenge is back!  If you’re either new to the blog or have just forgotten about it, check out last year’s 46 Day Challenge.  Between Fat Tuesday and Easter, I make it a challenge to myself to exercise at least a little bit every day.  For many people, this time of year might mean giving up something.  I’m not particularly religious, but find this a good timeframe to maybe add something extra to my life.  It’s also an excellent timeframe (a month and a half) in which to form a new, healthy habit.  Not to mention, this is also just after most of the New Year’s Resolutioners (also something I don’t participate in) have petered off in the gyms.  And it’s also just after the worst of winter’s blast that might keep you from going outdoors to exercise.

I was pleasantly surprised to see my friend at Cook, Pray, Love has also chosen this time of fasting to turn it around for good as well, and not just a “40 day diet” or a “New Years Resolution Take 2.”  So, she (along with a comment from Barbie) has reminded me that I should make this my 3rd annual (2nd annual on the blog) 46 Day Challenge.

And it couldn’t come at a better time.  This is an extremely busy week for me.  I have actually been exceptionally good about my running and workout routine throughout the entire winter.  I’m way ahead on my mileage so far this year than I have been in the past.  But life sometimes gets in the way, which is what this 46 Day Challenge is supposed to teach you; that no matter what you can always make time for at least one healthy habit and get your body moving.  So, whether it’s running 10 miles or walking a half mile or 90 minutes of Hot Yoga, or gentle stretching for 20 minutes during your favorite sitcom, it counts.  And you can do it too!  Are you going to join me?  I will document my progress here to keep myself honest.  And don’t worry if you didn’t start yesterday, the 46 Day Challenge can be done at any time you want to form a new healthy habit!

One Response

  1. […] week 1 It’s the first week of the 46 Day Challenge, and that exactly what it’s been.  A Challenge.  See, this past week or so has been very […]

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