Frugal Sally

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Sally is taking steps for a more prosperous year (read, once again perfecting her frugal side) and wants to share her economic plan.

As I reported yesterday, I called Comcast and switched to their budget internet service.  They won’t tell you that they have a cheaper version of their internet service, but if you call and ask for it, they will gladly set you up.  It’s a slightly slower speed, but so far, I don’t notice much of a difference in my internet connection and look forward to my new bill. I also decided to save some money and put in some elbow grease.  We’ll see how long this lasts, but it’s true, Sally will no longer pay a service for home cleaning.  I really despise house cleaning, but there’s got to be a cheaper way and one that’s a little more thorough.  I also decided to extend the time between my hair cut appointments.  I acknowledge that I am probably a little bit more extravagant in this department, but I do get great entertainment with my fabulous hairdresser.  However, if I add in at least another 3-4 weeks between appointments, I’m cutting out up to the expense of 2 whole appointments a year, which is a nice little bit of change.

Here are some other tips that I actually started last year, but plan to continue.  When the weather’s good I try to walk or bike to work as often as possible.  I save on gas, help the environment, and get a little extra exercise.  I also take advantage of Free Movie Monday.  Redbox (you know, those little red kiosks outside the golden arches and inside grocery stores) will send you a text message with a code on Mondays for a free movie rental if you give them your cell phone number.  I know the movies are usually only a dollar plus tax, but hey this way I get free entertainment while my Neflix movies are in the mail from the weekend.  Besides it’s a great opportunity to try out a potentially bad movie without wasting any money.  Another obvious one is bringing my lunch to work  and trying to limit my eating out at lunch to once a week.  It also helps me eat healthier.  Finally, I have been trying to sign up for eBilling whenever possible either through my bank or through the actual company sending me a bill.  Not only am I saving a stamp (and in one case getting a discount on my loan interest rate), but I’m also helping the environment by choosing to receive bills electronically rather than in the mail.

What are your planned budget cuts this year?

P.S. many thanks to Abby Cat for the use of her lolcat image!  Please vote for her lolcat here!

2 Responses

  1. […] (that I will spend anyway) for $55! (including shipping)  That’s free money folks!!  And as I’ve already admitted, I do pay a pretty penny to coif, but it’s totally worth it – and now I do it with free […]

  2. […] got my Comcast bill today.  I was eagerly anticipating the lower bill since I’ve bragged about switching to the cheaper internet service.  But for some reason, my bill was a little more than last month.  How odd?  Not really, they […]

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