How many steps?

My name is Sally…and I’m a shoe-aholic.  It’s official, I think I  have a problem and need to seek out a program.  The first step is admitting you have a problem right?  I have been really good the past few years with my shoe expenditures.  Whether that was actually “being good” or the result of being a broke adult grad student, we will never know.  Regardless, I was good about purging at least a pair or two at the end of the year and not buying shoes, unless I really needed them (like new running sneakers).

But I’ve officially ended my streak.  So far, this year alone, I have purchased 11 pairs of shoes.  (and it’s only the second month!)  I know and understand that most people don’t even own 11 pairs, much less 11 new ones, but to quote Barbie…I really needed them.  (in the way that you really need that extra piece of cake – rationalizing is a beautiful thing) 

At the beginning of the year, I scored 4 pairs of shoes at the closing of the overpriced big box retailer store.  I got a great deal on them, and was in need of some new work shoes that are dressy casual and that I can wear around town.  Then, I went to the ecoChic Swap, and scored two more pairs.  And to be fair, it wasn’t like I purchased those, they were swapped or selected in the free-for-all.  Well, I happened to be at another big box mall retailer this week (don’t judge I was picking something up, not intending to shop) and not only were the shoes 70% off, but everything in the store was an additional 40% off!   I managed to walk away with another 5 pairs!  Yes, five.  They are all very cute and I know I will wear them and I wasn’t caught up in the sale frenzy.  I just couldn’t leave them behind, they were each perfect in their own way.

So, yes, I have a problem and may need to look into 12 steps for it.  First step – admitting the problem.  But I’m just worried that one of those steps involves getting rid of my shoes and I’m not sure I’m ready for that.

2 Responses

  1. […] I did get more shoes!  I know I admit I have a shoe problem (is it really a problem?), but in all fairness, I took four pairs there and only came home with […]

  2. […] started a garden.  Took up hula hooping.  Admitted I have a shoe problem, and learned to swap my clothes.  I attended some great concerts, and saw some really funny […]

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