Happy cheap heart candy day!
February 15, 2009

That’s right, it’s one of my favorite times of year!  Cheap candy day!  It only happens three times a year, February 15, another day in the spring, and November 1.  Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Halloween are the best candy holidays.  Regardless of whether you buy into the commercialism or spiritualism of any of those holidays, you can’t deny the thrill of 50% off candy!

It was a great weekend!  After a long week, I met the girls from work at the local brewery for a brew.  Then I met my Valentine for some sushi before he had to do some late night work.  I got up early on Saturday, and got in another run.  (yay, I’m running again!)  Then I made some candy for my Valentine – chocolate covered peanut butter balls, both creamy and extra crunchy.  I also got him a really cool vintage retro robot that he opened when we got home later that evening.  He told me he had surprise plans at 3:30.  I LOVE surprises and it was wonderful!  First, he picked me up and took me to my favorite indie theater to see an old movie with Charlie Chaplin.  It was a later, talkie movie where Chaplin plays this French character, Monsieur Verdoux, not the Tramp character that brought him more fame.  I absolutely adore old movies.  And especially at the Belcourt.

Then we walked around the trendy college part of town for a little while because we had a half hour before our next destination.  (hint- tune in for the next post to reveal something cool I discovered there!)  My Valentine then took me to a new tapas restaurant in town that everyone’s been raving about, and I coincidentally know the executive chef from my figure skating days.  Earlier in the week, I pointed out an article about the restaurant to him while we were hanging out.  Apparently after I left, he called and made reservations!  This place was incredible!!  I had heard great things, but it didn’t even begin to scratch the surface.  This is definitely my new favorite place for both high end and small bites.  We shared the most fantastic food and dessert!  It was definitely my best Valentine’s ever!  (and I don’t really like V-day)  My Valentine is definitely pretty great!

This morning we walked to the local bagel shop, but they were out of the awesome wraps, so we made our own. Yum!  While my Valentine went to a baby shower, I took his pup to the dog park.  That was so much fun, and cold!


We spent nearly an hour there and he was pooped out when he got home.


I’m still giddy from the weekend.  Now, I’m off to Bama’s for a little cable watching!